Amino Acid Analysis of free amino acids

Free amino acids contribute to taste and provide carbon and nitrogen for many biological functions including antioxidants and ATP synthesis. The HMT platform measure all 20 common amino acids including citrulline and ornithine.

Amino Acid Analysis

Amino acid quantitative analysis uses our Q110 panel. While the complete panel is measured, only the 20 common amino acids including citrulline and ornithine are included in the report. This specificity is used when only the free amino acids are of interest. The Q110 panel can be used with either the basic scan (lower cost, lower sensitivity) or with the OMEGA Scan option for higher sensitivity. While amino acids are often very abundant is various biological samples, some are less abundant and may require more sensitivity, Aspartate and cysteine for example are generally lower in abundance. Disease state may also reduce the concentration of specific amino acids as well, so higher sensitivity may be needed under certain disease or cell mutation conditions.

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